Some notable Players
Updated 1/13/2023
David Feingold, guitarist David was professor and founder/developer of the guitar program at Western Washington University in Bellingham. David plays classical and jazz, solo and in ensemble. |
Anna Pietrzak |
Anna's webpage. A recent recording: Eight Miniatures for Piano and Guitar based on and inspired by Polish Folk Music by Marek Pasieczny |
Angelito Agcaoíli
Agelito has TWO 8 string guitars that
I built, but he plays normal classical as well.
He has an extensive background in classical guitar. He currently teaches in Pheonix, AZ. You can explore his website, or contact him directly: |
Chris Albanese
Chris teaches guitar in Vancouver BC.
He plays a classical I built for him in 2010. He also also plays improvised music with Crawling Human. Want to learn? Contact Chris |
Richard Rorex Rich lives in Stanwood, WA. He plays lots of local gigs in lots of styles, including classical and jazz. He also composes/arranges and teaches guitar. |
Aliéksey Vianna
Aliéksey is one of the
world's greatest players! I built him a custom 8 string. Go to Alič |
Alain Reiher
Talented Guitarist and Composer. He plays a Ganz guitar inspired by Aličksey's Daily. If you want to book a great guitarist, buy a great CD, or have a interesting conversation about guitar stuff, email Alain.
Stanton C Jack Stanton is just about the happiest guitarist I have ever met! Stanton lives and teaches guitar in British Columbia.. He plays a Ganzanillos, one of my guitars built in the Romanillos tradition. The picture to the right was taken
during a concerto performance. and |
A guitarist with finesse and musicality. He is a
serious multi-stringer, having played 8 string guitar
for many years.Here he is on a sunny day, playing the 11 string guitar inspired by the arch-guitar built for James Kline by Gary Southwell . In Vancouver, BC, contact him via phone: 604 854 2325 or email Jacek
Have a guitar I
built? email me! |