Some notable Players

 Updated 1/13/2023

David Feingold, guitarist
David was professor and founder/developer of the guitar program at Western Washington University in Bellingham.  David plays classical and jazz, solo and in ensemble. 
Anna Pietrzak
Internationally renown guitarist.

Anna's webpage. Anna's picture
A recent recording:
 Eight Miniatures for Piano and Guitar based on and inspired by Polish Folk Music by Marek Pasieczny

Angelito Agcaoíli
Agelito has TWO 8 string guitars that I built, but he plays normal classical as well. 
He has an extensive background in classical guitar.
He currently teaches in Pheonix, AZ.
You can explore   his website,
or contact him directly:

Chris Albanese
Chris teaches guitar in Vancouver BC.
He plays a classical I built for him in 2010.
He also also plays improvised music with Crawling Human.

Want to learn?
Contact Chris
Richard Rorex

Rich lives in Stanwood, WA.  He plays lots of local gigs in lots of styles, including classical and jazz.

He also composes/arranges and teaches guitar. 

Aliéksey Vianna

Aliéksey is one of the world's greatest players!

I built him a custom 8 string.  

Go to Alič

Alain Reiher

Talented Guitarist and Composer.  He plays a Ganz guitar inspired by Aličksey's Daily.

If you want to book a great guitarist, buy a great CD, or  have a interesting conversation about guitar stuff, email Alain.


Stanton C Jack  

Stanton is just about the happiest guitarist I have ever met!  Stanton lives and teaches guitar in British Columbia..  He plays a Ganzanillos, one of my guitars built in the Romanillos tradition. 

The picture to the right was taken during a concerto performance.  


Jacek Kado
A guitarist with finesse and musicality.  He is a serious multi-stringer, having played 8 string guitar for many years.
Here he is on a sunny day, playing the 11 string guitar inspired by the arch-guitar built for James Kline by Gary Southwell . 
In Vancouver, BC,
contact him via phone: 604 854 2325 or email Jacek

Have a guitar I built?  email me!