Nacio and the birthday (8 string) guitar

About a year ago I delivered an 8 string guitar to Nacio

Yesterday I got a message from him…


8-strings by Steve Ganz = Tone Machine!!! Friggin’ Awesome.

Me: What happened?


All of the sudden it just started booming ! Beautiful rich tones galore! I played it for 6 hours straight last night and right around hour 5…… Boom!!! I then went to sleep, woke up and it still sounds that way. Friggin’ Awesome I tell ya. Simply divine my friend…..thanks!

Me: Good to hear. It was a pleasure to work on. I may have to quote you on my blog. What are you playing on it? Are you doing any recording


You sure can . I’m playing all original material on it. From sounds of renaissance to completely modern and everything in between. I plan on doing some recording with it next week. Then I have a couple gigs were I’m going to play it exclusively.
Blooming is maybe a more appropriate word over booming…..but either way…!

Me: Wednesday 6:09pm
Did you put it away for a while? It had a 1 year birthday … Enjoy!

Wednesday 7:59pm
Nope. I”ve just been so busy lately owning my own business that I never got a chance to play it more than a few hours at a time about 3 or 4 times a week……but I’ve been playing it hard everyday now.

Lee (Nacio) de Falla’s website:

About steve

Luthier in the northwest of the Northwest. Classical guitars, custom instruments, repairs and restorations.
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