640 Cedar top (5 fan bar bracing I’ve been using on cedar for a few years).
Movingui back and sides. Body is my “Bebe” style. Just a bit smaller my typical full size, but not as small as my Torres FE 05. Very comfortable to hold.
My usual nut is 52 with string spacing of 43. At saddle 58, but I might go a but wider at the saddle.
Cedar 640 is not particularly rare for me. It’s my preferred scale length and has been for about 25 years!
I’ve been using Movingui for about 4 years, but this is the first time using the “Ribbon” grain figure.
This is a spec guitar, but it’s specs are such that I would like it! Probably will be strung up late July, and I plan to take it to California for a show in Sept.
I’m not sure yet about case and tuner options.
What do Cedar and Movingui sound like with this bracing? Here is just an example. Well my recent post has a nice example.

I’m definitely a fan of the cedar and movingui combo! When I decided I wanted one of your guitars, I didn’t have a lot of idea of what I wanted other than a memory of a guitar of yours that I played a decade ago and the general idea that I didn’t want a duplicate of my spruce/indian Hauser-style guitar. I think the result sounds about as different as it could while still sounding like a traditional guitar. I don’t know if this came across in my recording but when I play it, I feel like every note has some kind of sympathetic vibration from somewhere and it’s very gratifying. It’s like playing a warm hug.
I have never gotten around to looking inside my guitar. Do you have a picture of this bracing?
William, it is beautiful to see your response to this post. I’ll see what I can dig up. It is a very simple bracing. Basically 5 fan bars…
Heh, I guess that’s not hard to imagine.
Thanks for adding the photo! The little braces centered around the middle fan are ones I wouldn’t have expected if I didn’t know they were there. Of course, I don’t understand much of the nuance of bracing.
Just a little bit of structure.