This gallery contains 5 photos.
Had to remove the top to save it. Making a new one. Future post.
Here are some pictures of a guitar I built in Spain, 2004 in the Romanillos workshop.
The rosette has a function… it isolates the soundhole from cracks. Other than that, they are decorative! Here is a collection of some rosettes… just for some ideas. Let me know if a material intrigues your or if there are any elements that you like particularly positive or negative.
This gallery contains 5 photos.
When I get some wood it goes into a stack for several years. It dries, and oxidizes. This spruce, from the Alps, came rough sawn. You can see below what it looks like before and after planing. Planing gets rid … Continue reading
“to see a photo of your Concert model against your Romanillos model”
Let’s go with the larger one. Not only is its breadth bigger, but also the length of it. Since we are going with a longer scale length the bigger one makes sense.
For LC: In answer to your email questions….Both of these sets have inspiring visual and musical attributes. Both have excellent tap tones. Very solid and dense tone with good high components. Both are a good size and both have excellent matching sides.
Really. It is a dangerous place.
Keep it in it’s case, Steve
Really. It might be comfortable, but it is “Not Safe.”